Prepositions of time and place
time | place | |
in |
° part of the day : in the morning/afternoon/evening ° weeks : in two weeeks, in the second week of august ° months : in August ° years: in 2012 ° season : in the summer / in summer ° centuries : in the 20th centuy |
° when we mean inside something : in the house. in the car ° with town, regions, countries, coninents : in london, in Texas, in France, in Afrrica ° common express : in school, in a book in the front/middle/back, in prison, in hospital |
on |
° days: on saturday ° dates : on 1st January ° speicial days : on her birthday, on Christmas Day |
° sufaces of object : on the table, on the wall ° floors of a building : on the fifth floor ° roads and water : on the motorway ° types of scheduled or pubilc transport : on the bus on the midday train ° attached objects : the note is on the fridge, a leaf on a tree ° common exporessions : on a farm, on a train, on the plane on the phone, on the TV |
at |
° times of the day : at 10 a.m. at midday° ° these expression : at the weekend, at christmas a New Year, at night
° a point in a journey: we stopped at a pub for lunch ° events with groups of people : at a party, at a meeting ° addresses : at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC ° common expression : at home, at school, at work at the front/back/side |
in or at
with locations such a buildings, we use in to emphasise the location : He's in the libary. (He's inside the libary.)
You use at to emphasise the activity that takes place there : He's doing some research at the libary.