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기존 워드프레스 기반 english.dnavi.info 자료를 XE기반으로 이사하였습니다.
english.dnavi.info 사이트이동
What time is it?
Informal Introductions
Formal Introdutions
Informal Greetings and Farewells
Formal Greetings
Unit 1. Am/is/are
Situation 1: Wake Up In the Morning
You're making a mounatain out of a molehill.
Hiring new part timers is no piece of cake.
He's always shooting his mounth off about the things he knows.
Have you had a chance to talk to your manger?
This red pepper really bites.
I'm tired of deadling with customer complaints.
I'd like to get my hair trimmed a bit.
I have to see Mr. Cooper for lunch at 12:30
Do you have any food allergies.
It'll be more convenient to drive
You won't be disappointed.
He cut in without a singnal!
Music stage