조회 수 372 추천 수 0 댓글 0
It's a creation that may help bridge the digital divide. Researchers unveiled a new laptop computer at the UN's world Summit on information Society in Tunisia and it only costs $100. The bright green laptop could soon in the hands of even the poorest children around the world. Computer operates on half the processor speed of commercial laptops. The yellow hand crank on the side serves as an alternative power source when batteries or reliable electricity isn't available.
번호 | 분류 | 제목 |
공지 | english.dnavi.info 사이트이동 | |
278 | basic grammer | Irregular verbs |
277 | basic grammer | Prepositions of time and place |
276 | Hello English | UK VISA Question & Answer |
275 | English Core Pattern 101-200 | |
274 | English Core Pattern 1-100 | |
273 | conversation | How old are you? |
272 | Hello English | Transportation |
271 | conversation | Shopping |
270 | conversation | Catching Up After Class |
269 | conversation | At the Post Office |
268 | Hello English | Running Errands. |
267 | conversation | Supermarket 1 |
266 | conversation | Calling for help |
265 | conversation | Asking directions |
264 | conversation | At the dotor's office |
263 | conversation | Ordering a Meal |
262 | conversation | Weather Report |
261 | conversation | Coincidences |
260 | conversation | Can you say that again? |
259 | conversation | A telephone call |